Tampering with; failure to install, 347.413, 347.417
Implied consent law, 343.305
Injury caused by, 940.25
Intoxicants in motor vehicles prohibited, 346.935
License, denied to alcohol or drug dependent person, 343.06
Municipal ordinance violation, municipal court may suspend license, 349.03 (2m), 349.06 (1m)
Occupational licenses, 343.10
Penalties, 346.65
Tampering with ignition interlock devices; failure to install, 347.413, 347.417
Pretrial intoxicated driver intervention program, 85.53
Prosecution of offense, 967.055
Refusal to submit to chemical tests, 343.305, 346.63 (2m)
Prohibited alcohol concentration, defined, 340.01 (46m)
Revocation or suspension of license after conviction, 343.31
Safe-ride grant program, 85.55
Snowmobiles, 350.101 to 350.108
Suspension or revocation of license:
By courts, 343.30 (1q)
Notice of intent to revoke, 343.305
Tests for:
Liability exemption, 895.53
No privilege, 905.04 (4) (f)
Traffic safety school, compulsory attendance, 345.60 (3)
Underage persons, absolute sobriety, 346.63 (2m)
Chemical tests for intoxication, 885.235 (1m)
due process of law DUE PROCESS OF LAW
Generally, I, 8
dumps DUMPS
durable power of attorney DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY
dynamite DYNAMITE
earned release review commission EARNED RELEASE REVIEW COMMISSION
Duties, 304.01
Removal by governor, 17.07 (3m)
Unclassified service, 230.08 (2) (pd)
Creation, members, 15.145 (1)
Duties, 304.01
Hearings, 301.21 (1m) (c)
Parole, see Parole
Rights of employees, corrections or parole, 230.337
Sentence requirement, waiver, 304.06 (1m)
Status as commission, 15.01 (2)
Uniform criminal extradition act, application for requisition, 976.03 (23) (c)
earnings EARNINGS
easements EASEMENTS
eastern orthodox church EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH
eavesdropping EAVESDROPPING
Prohibited, 968.31
economic development ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
economic policy board ECONOMIC POLICY BOARD
Administration duties, 15.155 (2) (c), 560.68
Creation, membership, 15.155 (2)
General provisions, 15.07
Grant and loan criteria:
Generally, 560.605
Policies and standards, 560.602
education EDUCATION
education compacts EDUCATION COMPACTS
Compact for education, 39.75
Commission delegation, 39.76
Midwestern higher education compact, 39.80
Commission, 14.90
educational approval board EDUCATIONAL APPROVAL BOARD
Creation, membership, 15.945
Powers and duties, 38.50
educational communications board EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS BOARD
Affiliation agreement with broadcast radio and television licensees, 39.14
Appropriation, 20.225
Capital improvement debt authorized, 20.866 (2) (zd)
Creation, membership, 15.57
Deputy, unclassified, 230.08 (2) (L)
Director, salary, 20.923 (4)
Duties, 39.11
General provisions, 15.07
Membership, appointment, 15.07 (1) (a) 5.
Nonstock corporation, may organize, 39.12
Powers, 39.115
Staff, 39.13